Series RCSC Superconducting Hlau Separator
Kev siv thiab nta:
RCC series low-temperature superconducting magnetic separator siv cov hlau nplaum superconducting los tsim cov hlau nplaum muaj zog uas xav tau rau kev tshem tawm hlau. Qhov zoo dua yog tias nyob rau hauv lub xeev superconducting (-268.8 ° C), muaj tam sim no tsis muaj kev tiv thaiv, thiab tam sim no dhau los ntawm superconducting coil los ua kom muaj zog sib nqus hlau nplaum. High magnetic teb lub zog, loj magnetic teb qhov tob, muaj zog hlau nqus muaj peev xwm, lub teeb yuag, tsis muaj zog noj, txuag hluav taws xob thiab kev tiv thaiv ib puag ncig, thiab lwm yam, qhov zoo uas zoo tib yam electromagnetic separators tsis phim. Nws yog tsuas yog siv los tshem tawm cov nplua hlau impurities muaj nyob rau hauv cov thee seam
Qauv piav qhia:

Kev ua tiav:
Qhov kub-kub superconducting magnetic separator tau dhau lub xeev thiab kev soj ntsuam kev soj ntsuam thiab kev soj ntsuam cov khoom nyob rau lub Kaum Ib Hlis 2008 thiab Lub Rau Hli 2010 raws li, thiab tau txais peb daim ntawv pov thawj nram qab no:
◆ Ib qho kev tsim tawm patent tau lees paub, lub npe patent yog "tsis tshua muaj kub superconducting muaj zog sib nqus sib nqus" (ZL200710116248.4).
◆ Ib qho qauv siv hluav taws xob tau lees paub, thiab lub npe patent yog "Superconducting Magnetic Separator Suspension Device" (ZL 2007 2 0159191.1).
◆ Ib qho qauv siv hluav taws xob patent tau lees paub, thiab lub npe patent yog "Kev tiv thaiv yooj yim rau hauv qab phaj ntawm superconducting Sib Nqus Separator" (ZL 200820023792.4).
Khoom siv:
Qhov kub-kub superconducting magnetic separator feem ntau yog tsim los ntawm lub plhaub thiab cov cuab yeej dai, cov khoom siv hlau nplaum superconducting, lub tub yees thiab lub tshuab tsis siv neeg tswj. Cov hlau nplaum superconducting yog dai rau ntawm lub plhaub, thiab lub tub yees system yog siv los tswj qhov kub ntawm cov kua helium.
Lub kaw lus tswj tsis siv neeg tuaj yeem paub txog kev tswj chaw taws teeb thiab kev kuaj xyuas cov chaw taws teeb ntawm wireless network. Cov duab hauv qab no yog daim duab peb sab schematic thiab cov duab ua haujlwm ntawm qhov kub thiab txias superconducting magnetic separator.
Cov duab hauv qab no yog daim duab schematic ntawm lub plhaub thiab cov cuab yeej dai ntawm qhov kub thiab txias superconducting magnetic separator

1, cev
2, Siab Sensor
3. Dai pas nrig
4 、 positioning bracket
5 、 Kho phaj
6, elastomer
7, movable board
8, txuas bolts
9 、 Plhaub hauv qab phaj
10, hloov tau roj hmab
11, txuas phaj
12, High-manganese hauv qab phaj
13, hlau nplaum
Cov hlau nplaum 13 ntawm lub superconducting magnetic separator yog tsau rau ntawm lub plhaub 1 los ntawm Hanging rod 3, thiab sab sauv ntawm Hanging rod 3 yog nruab nrog lub siab sensor 2 txhawm rau txheeb xyuas lub zog ntawm superconducting magnetic separator txhua lub sijhawm.
Thaum lub superconducting magnetic separator ua hauj lwm, lub tramp hlau cuam tshuam rau lub siab-manganese hauv qab phaj 12 ntawm lub plhaub ntawm kev kub ceev, ua kom siab ntawm cov phaj txuas 11. Lub sijhawm no, lub elastomer 6 yog compressed thiab deformed los ntawm cov phaj txuas. 11 kom nqus tau qhov cuam tshuam lub zog. Thaum muaj kev cuam tshuam loj, Thaum lub elastomer 6 yog compressed rau ib qho twg, cov roj hmab hloov tau 10 yog compressed los tsim deformation thiab nqus lub zog cuam tshuam, zoo xyuas kom meej tias lub plhaub 1 tsis vibrate thaum lub superconducting hlau tshem tawm ua haujlwm, yog li xyuas kom meej tias cov hlau nplaum superconducting tshem tawm ntawm lub plhaub 1 lub hlau nplaum 13 ua haujlwm ruaj khov.
txoj haujlwm ua haujlwm:
Cov duab hauv qab no yog daim duab schematic ntawm cov qauv ntawm cov hlau nplaum superconducting. Lub superconducting coil 6 yog immersed nyob rau hauv cov kua helium 5. Cov kua helium muab superconducting kub 4.2K thaum lub superconducting coil ua haujlwm. Cov kua helium 5 yog encapsulated nyob rau hauv lub tshuab nqus tsev siab 4K Dewar 4. , Yuav kom ntseeg tau qhov qis tshaj kub to ntawm qhov qis-kub Dewar, uas yog, 4K Dewar, 40K tshav kub daim thaiv 3 thiab 300K Dewar 2 yog ntsia sab nraum. nws los xyuas kom meej tias lub kaw lus nce mus txog qhov sib npaug ntawm thermal, kom lub superconducting hlau tshem tawm tuaj yeem ua haujlwm ruaj khov thiab ruaj khov. Tus naj npawb 1 yog lub tub yees.
1. tub yees
2, 300 KDewar
3, tiv thaiv tshav kub
4.4 KWG
5, kua helium
6, superconducting kauj
Vim yog qhov sib nqus sib nqus siab heev uas tsim los ntawm qhov kub thiab txias superconducting sib nqus sib nqus sib nqus, lub zog sib nqus loj loj yuav ua rau cov khib nyiab hlau cuam tshuam rau cov hlau nplaum ntawm qhov ceev ceev, uas yuav ua rau muaj kev puas tsuaj rau cov hlau nplaum superconducting. Yog li ntawd, cov hlau nplaum superconducting ntawm qhov kub-kub superconducting sib nqus sib nqus cais yog raug tshem tawm ntawm lub plhaub los ntawm Suspension Device. Lub plhaub yog nruab nrog lub teb chaws patented khoom - ib tug saj zawg zog dai ntaus ntawv. Thaum cov khib nyiab hlau cuam tshuam rau cov hlau nplaum, cov cuab yeej no tuaj yeem tso siab rau lub zog cuam tshuam, tiv thaiv cov hlau nplaum superconducting los ntawm kev puas tsuaj, thiab xyuas kom meej tias qhov kub thiab txias superconducting magnetic separator tuaj yeem ua haujlwm tau ntev.
Kev ua haujlwm tswj ib feem ntawm qhov kub-kub superconducting sib nqus sib nqus sib nqus tau txais Suav thiab Askiv ua haujlwm sib cuam tshuam, uas yooj yim to taub, siv tau yooj yim, tswj tau yooj yim, thiab tuaj yeem paub txog kev sib kis hauv online ntawm cov ntaub ntawv ua haujlwm thiab kev saib xyuas online ntawm kev ua haujlwm, paub txog tej thaj chaw deb. tswj thiab kuaj mob, txhim kho kev ntseeg siab ntawm cov khoom siv ua haujlwm.